We believe that books are meant to be read, shared, and enjoyed by everyone:) That’s why we’re dedicated to making literature accessible to all through our initiative with local outdoor libraries, also known as minibiebs.
We are excited to give away another batch of books in the beautiful city of Rotterdam. These books are now available for free in various small local outdoor libraries throughout the city. By placing these books in minibiebs, we hope to encourage the joy of reading and foster a sense of community among residents.
It’s our small way of giving back to the community and promoting the love of reading❤️ Take a stroll around the city and discover them yourself.
In addition to our work with minibiebs, we also would like to talk with libraries like the Bibliotheek Rotterdam. By partnering with larger libraries, we aim to reach even more readers and further our mission of making literature accessible to everyone in our community. Fingers crossed! 🏛️
Happy reading! 🦉🎁📖📚🔖